Gary's Books

For an uplifting view of our future, read Gary’s story ‘Meeting Mina’.
Read Gary’s story of awakening apprenticeship to the Earth ‘Journey of the Navigator‘.
The Earth was meant to be a garden for consciousness, and we humans are meant to be the seeds of consciousness tossed out into the dark, rich soil of the Earth. From this perspective, we can understand that humanity today is in a transition to a higher state of consciousness that will blossom on a future Earth. How might our life on the Earth evolve from our current 3rd-dimensional reality to a future 5th-dimensional reality? What would it be like to discover yourself arriving in a world of 5th-dimensional consciousness?
Imagine yourself among the human beings who experience their total relocation to the New Earth, the 5th-dimensional Earth. Imagine that humans are arriving a few at a time exploring new possibilities in human consciousness. Living on the New Earth must change what it means to be a human being in fundamental ways. For one, the latent human capacity for psychic communication might awaken and inspire dialogue with the natural world. And the collective human capacity to create might evolve into the direct manifestation of energy and matter in creating a way of life.
In this book’s vision, the first generation of settlers arriving on the New Earth meet their challenges by creating a world of cities and villages in harmony with nature, and they give birth to a new generation of humans who are native to the New Earth. It is these newborns who decide to advance the consciousness of the New Earth and begin a global project of creating Cities of Light in anticipation of a time when the whole Earth awakens in the consciousness of Oneness.
These are the stories of people like us in transition to highly evolved consciousness.
It lies right in the margin of our everyday lives—the New Earth. It is an awareness of a more spiritual way of living that is ahead for us, and it calls us to start living in a more spiritually fulfilling way now. It is a consciousness that we all experience as a way of living in right relationship to the Earth and in right relationship with one another. We all know that life on Earth should be better than what we have created today. When we are ready to shift to the fifth-dimensional Earth, what will we experience?
For so many years it seemed to me that talk about the New Earth made it into an empty vision, a spiritual utopia that was beautiful, but had no flesh to it. For myself, I knew that I had to break through that barrier to make the New Earth a multicolored vision filled with real people and real-life situations—the joy and the challenges. I wanted storytelling to build a bridge from where we are here today on the old Earth to where we could be there on the New Earth.
I never thought that the New Earth would be perfect. And, I felt that as soon as human life began to inhabit that spiritual world of the New Earth, there would be new higher-dimensional challenges facing humanity. I thought that being on the New Earth wasn’t a solution in itself, rather it would call upon us to adapt to our higher level of consciousness and to find new ways of living, to invent new ways of living day-to-day. And, in truth, the collective human cultures of the old Earth would not fade away without the effort of healing humanity’s collective consciousness.
And so, a book filled with surprises, joys, and sorrows. It provokes our thoughts and reveals how much the New Earth is here with us right now. Can we begin now to become the masters that we are meant to be? To look into the New Earth is to see ourselves in a special mirror—we see what we are in relation to what we will be.

Author: Gary Kendall
Cover Art: Stefan Marticki
You can order the book here:
Amazon.com and other Amazon outlets
Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School
This volume includes and extends the stories begun in Gary’s previous book ‘Stories from the New Earth.’
Part I of ‘A Garden for Consciousness’ is available as an Audio Book!
Listen to Gary read ‘My Adventure in Rowyan’
Audio Book available through:
Amazon.com and other Amazon outlets.
The New Earth—we know it is coming. Something is coming. We can feel it stirring deep within our hearts. It is like a new sun rising up on the very edge of the horizon. Even if the light of this new sun has not touched our skin, our eyes sense its illumination in the periphery of our vision. And we struggle to bring this something into clear focus—to see the outlines and to grasp its details of the great spiritual evolution that is on the horizon.
The backstory of this book traces Gary’s and Ulla’s repeated journeys to the Salta region of northwestern Argentina. As they travel from one powerful energetic site to another, the ancient spirits share revelations about humanity’s history and future evolution. The truth is that we are only a part of the greater consciousness of the Earth. We are only part of the matrix of all beings on the Earth. The coming of the New Earth is here to remind us of that. We need to rejoin the larger family of the Earth and to learn again to communicate with those who were here before us.
Discover the personal meditations and self-healing practices that help you to build your personal connection to the New Earth.

Author: Gary Kendall with Ulla Anderén
Cover Art: Stefan Marticki
You can order the book here:
Dolphin Star Temple
Amazon US
Amazon UK
A fresh and moving new perspective on your healing and spiritual evolution! At the heart of this book are stories about the healings of people who have found a way to break through the persistent obstacles in their lives and to step into a different relationship with their identity and their spiritual life. This book inspires the kind of insights and experiences that will take you to a place of greater security and optimism on your spiritual path.
Oneness is the single most profound insight that you can ever come to—the thing that can most profoundly transform your sense of yourself and the world around you. You are Oneness, but it is as if your consciousness were held within a bubble, and this bubble keeps you focused in a pattern of separateness that has become the limited reality you experience. Bubbles are the universal containers of separation, and the limiting effect of being within bubbles hides their very existence from us.
Breaking your bubbles illuminates the landscape ahead of you in a new way, making visible the potential paths you have not yet imagined. By breaking your limiting bubbles, you discover yourself in a place of freedom from what used to be your compulsions and your fears—and ultimately you experience your awakening in the New Earth.

Author: Gary Kendall
Cover Art and Illustrations: Ingrid Maria Ericsson
You can order the book here:
Dolphin Star Temple
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Books by Ulla Anderen
All books are in Swedish!
Prophecy: Meeting with Goddess Antares and the way into the fifth dimension
For more information about this book go to www.divineoneness.se
Prophecy: Journey Home
For more information about this book go to www.divineoneness.se