New Earth Vision

Books, Meditations, and Healing
with Gary Kendall

Upcoming Soul Healing Course with Gary

Your path of spiritual healing must eventually lead you to the doorstep of the soul where you encounter the true story of what has limited you through your many lifetimes. Standing in the doorway between you and your divine true soul-self are the deep wounds which have never healed as well as the ghosts of your own denial and your adaptations to life’s challenges. Your liberation relies on clearing that doorway and fully opening your connection to the true divinity held within your soul. Our partners in this endeavor are the angels who will guide us into the most sacred of all spaces. Hear them speak! They dedicate themselves to your return to innocence!

September 28-29, 2024
October 12-13, 2024

To read more, click here!

Gary’s latest book!

“The Earth was meant to be a garden for consciousness.”
Available through:
and other Amazon outlets
• Dolphin Star Temple 
These are stories of people like us aspiring to live on the Earth in alignment with higher consciousness.

Other Books by Gary


Discover the personal meditations and self-healing practices that help you to build your personal connection to the New Earth.
Read more about this book.



A rich source of  healing knowledge. Share the healing experiences of others on the path of personal development.
Read more about this book.